Gazebo at Pythian Hall, Portland

Gazebo Poster 1967 by Gina Papen at Pythian Hall Portland Oregon with Portland Zoo band


The Pythian Building, completed in 1907, is a Masonic building in Portland, Oregon located at 918 SW Yamhill in Portland



The psychedelic period dances at the Pythian were run by a hip cooperative / production company "New Colony Explorations." They ran dances all weekend (Friday-Sunday) with light shows by Gary Ewing.  The Pythian featured primarily West Coast bands from LA to Vancouver.  Paul Bassett & Gina Papen (Air Sign Co.) did most of the posters. This poster was done by Gina Papen and according to her, the nude woman in the waves was based on an image from Vintage 1920 sheet music titled, "Coral Sea."



The Portland Zoo became the house band for the Charix Coffeehouse in the basement of the Unitarian Universalist Church in downtown Portland, Oregon. One of the major Portland bands of the 60’s, they opened for The Grateful Dead, The Doors, Moby Grape, Big Brother, Steve Miller, Buddy Guy, and Blue Cheer. Like many bands, as senior citizens they have reformed and enjoy playing for people to this day.



Gazebo was from Vashon Island and they were originally called The Plymouth Rockers. When they lost  in the final of Pat O'Day's Teen Fair Battle of the Bands to the Bandits from Mercer Island they decided costumes were as passe as their name and they became The Gazebo.

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